Evolution v growth everywhere (not just learning technology)

Stephen Downes’s whiteboard (in op cit) shows what purports to be an evolution from groups to networks. This strikes me as far too much about global evolution (as in “we’re onto the next big thing”). It is really, in my opinion, about personal growth and development. People grow from needing the security of what are characterised as “groups” to being able to function in the relatively unprotected area of what are called “networks”. But one should not be dogmatic about this kind of thing. There will always be people (of all ages) who function better within the confines of the “group”. “Networks” aren’t better, they are just a different way of doing things.

Thus in educational technology, we shouldn’t be following this kind of thing as the way we ought to be developing new tools (whether it is called “e-learning 2.0″ or whatever) but we should be developing technology to support people where they are and ideally to help prepare them for moving on to ever greater personal (ethical) development, freedom, integrity – you name your favourite positive value.