Identity as a programming language

If Sam can do it (and at the same time claim that Scott and Adam have as well) then I guess we all can…

You are C++. You are very popular and open to suggestions. Many have tried to be like you, but haven't been successful
Which Programming Language are You?

It is very interesting to note how compulsive these kind of tests are: it seems like we all want to know how we are rated by others. Very natural. Perhaps we can get a hold of this and link it in to the domain of assessment and the issue of identity?

Also, there should be an easy way of presenting the results of such tests (OK, perhaps more serious ones) in an e-portfolio, and make that available to others to search on. Perhaps I’m saying no more than something about FOAF and another way in which it could be used: this certainly links to Scott’s approach to e-portfolios.