Comments on: InLOC and OpenBadges: a reprise Cetis blog Tue, 22 Aug 2017 13:13:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: asimong Mon, 14 Oct 2013 14:21:31 +0000 Thanks, Doug! I’ll come back to some of these points later, but just to fix one thing, I think that there are better words than “ontology” to describe a structure of inter-related learning outcomes. “Ontology” suggests (to me) a comprehensive conceptual system — InLOC allows any kind of structure, no matter how comprehensive it may or may not be. So, really, I’m going along with you here, I think. The Web Literacy Standard can never be fully comprehensive, of course, though it can be useful. Representing it in InLOC in no way tries to force it into being more comprehensive or more organised than it is. But it does allow people to make connections that more easily than they could before.


I might take up “privacy” as an example later, but let’s see if anyone suggests anything else first.

By: Doug Belshaw Mon, 14 Oct 2013 09:27:45 +0000 “(I’d like to write an example at this point, but can’t decide on a topic area — I need someone to give me their example and we can discuss it and maybe put it here.)”

Let’s try ‘Privacy’.

Thanks for this post, Simon – it’s made me think. I don’t profess to understand it all as it’s a bit ambiguous (in a good way – see

Unless I’ve got the wrong end of the stick then you’re (perhaps unintentionally) prescribing an ontology here. Instead of rehashing my arguments against this approach, perhaps have a look at this:

Finally, I’d remind you of a conversation we had earlier this year about the ‘endorsement’ feature of the OBI which remains on the roadmap to be implemented post-MozFest. This will allow us to ‘let a thousand flowers bloom’ in terms of badged learning activities that align with the Web Literacy Standard. We (Mozilla or any other organisations) can subsequently endorse those that are perceived to align *well*.

Hope that helps! :-)
