Comments on: #chatopen Open Access and Open Education Cetis Blog Fri, 05 Jul 2013 07:17:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terry McAndrew Wed, 30 Jan 2013 15:12:13 +0000 Many thanks for summary and sorry I missed this chat. I think Open has a significant hurdle to overcome with respect to the accessibility of the content – either technically, due to the formats, or semantically, due to the way in which information/knowledge is structured and presented. It may be assumed that the recipient has a higher level of digital literacy than the content itself, in order to cope with it. ‘Open’ needs structure tools to map the relationships to make content more meaningful to a range of audiences and a range of levels, and some measure of impact to highlight its worth. I don’t think the solution is an automated one e.g. instagrok style, at least not until authors handle metadata with glee (or when HFO, which ever soonest). OpenStructures is on my wish list.
