JISC HEA Collaboration Activities

I was fortunate to be invited to a two day meeting at the NCSL (National College of School Leadership) in Nottingham og the jisc and HEA to discuss future collaboration between the two organisations.

What became clear to me during the meeting is that there is considerable exisitng joint activity and that just mapping the two organisations activitiies and in the case of JISC programmes would prove a very worthwhile exercise. Two new posts are to be created, one in each instituion , who will act in a “ liason ” type role.

On a personal note I much valued meeting various HEA people , particularuily those in the subject Centres and I found John Robertson’s notion of JISC being top down programme driven and HEA horizontal discipline driven very useful in understanding the roles of the organisations.

It will be interesting to see how this may develop over the coming months