The learning content management repository virtual environment system 2.0 and its future, summarized

As I explained earlier, at this year’s JISC CETIS conference I was in charge of running a session comparing content management, virtual learning and repository systems. I’ve just finished updating the session page on the wiki with links to all the presentations and commentaries available from the day. Here are my own summary and reflections on the session.
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Linking repositories to VLEs

I’ve made an exploratory start to what I hope will be a new area of work, looking at how repositories containing learning materials and VLEs interact. For some time I’ve been hearing about various projects (some JISC funded, some based at JISC services, some institutional, some commercial) that have the aim of “linking” a repository to a VLE. However I don’t have a clear picture of what is going on overall, and I have a suspicion that maybe other people are in a similar position. I’ld like to discover more detail about what people mean when they say they are “linking” a repository to a VLE.
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