Comments on: Content transcoder demonstration Cetis blog Mon, 07 Oct 2013 10:54:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sheilamacneill Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:25:32 +0000 Hi Joel

There should be a public url available very soon. I’ll post details as soon as it is available.

Best wishes


By: Joël Fisler Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:20:36 +0000 This tool sounds very interesting. Unfortunatly I did not find a demo link somewhere. Is it possible to see the Transcoder “in action” somewhere?

I am working for the University of Zurich and we developed a tool called eLML, the eLesson Markup Language ( Now eLML has another approach: The content is created based on an pedagocical XML structure and then transformed into the final format. This can be IMS CP or SCORM but it can also be PDF (using Formatting Objects or LaTeX) or the Open Document Format (ODF). So using XML we have clean separation between content and layout and therefore can transform the content into different layouts and output formats. So in the end the goal is the same as you describe it for the transcoder service: the possibility to use the same content within different environments (LMS).
