Some random quotes from the SCORM Global Governance Conference held in London earlier this week:
….learing content revolution….intervention objects….educational heritages….international consensus is a key value….the role of leaders is to define reality….knowledge drives the value equation….contact with the real world is a sobering experience….users are an excellent sanity check….industry led voluntary standards are better than imposed mandated standards….standards are a useful weapon in the armoury….most e-learning is appalling, most of the software is a complete disgrace….municipal town planners, armies and the like….I believe in creating good problems….hide everything but the benefits….if learning is to be a service then the ultimate goal is to get to self-service….what is content?….content shouldnt be something like a textbook….resonance….online personalised learning space for all by 2008….teaching is not the transmission of content its much more about the negotiation of ideas and understanding….lecturers must use the technology as if its problematic….problematising pedagogy is a critical part of the process….gap between potential and reality….if you want to get a lot of power give it all away….success is best measured by mass adoption….leadership without authority is not useful….”prosumer” society….
Quote from: Wayne Hodgins, Autodesk; Diana Laurillard, Institute of Education; Paul Shoesmith, Becta; Erik Duval, Ariadne; Rob Abel, IMS Global Learning Consortium; Bruce Peoples, ISO; Gerry Fishenden, Microsoft; Bob Wisher, ADL; Abdul Waheed Khan, UNESCO.