I was fortunate enough to attend the Ten Competence http://www.tencompetence.org/
 project Conference at the G-Mex in Manchester last week. There were a wide variety of speakers and presentations and I was particularily impressed with one of the final sessions including presentations by Mark Johnson, Graham Attwell and our own Scott Wilson. Scott has seemed to have grasped the torch in respect of Beer’s Viable Systems Model (VSM) applying it the complex educational field, I could sense Professor Oleg Liber at the back of the session beaming with approval. Grahams presentation served to remind us all why we are in education a rallying call for transformational change.
Parallel session 10: Support for social engagement in Lifelong Competence Development: Chair Bill
Designing systems for managing dynamic collaborative research processes, Scott Wilson, Ernie Ghiglione,
Yoichi Takayama, James Dalziel
Personal Technologies and Masks: Issues of Persona and Identity in Professional Practice and Learner
Development, Mark Johnson, Claire Brierley
Supporting Social Interaction in an “Intelligent†Competence Development System, Bertrand Sereno, Eleni
Boursinou, Albert Angehrn
Social Software, Personal Learning Environments and Lifelong Competence Development, Graham Attwell