Massively Multi Learner

The HEA Information and Computer Science subject centre recently ran a workshop, ‘Massively Multi Learner’, on learning in multi user virtual environments which I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.

Perhaps inevitably, the presentations on the day were heavily skewed towards Second Life, a fact that I was glad to see the organisers themselves acknowledged as not necessarily ideal.  Unfortunately, Carl Potts, who had been scheduled to speak on learning within guilds in World of Warcraft, was unable to attend, but Laz Allen of TPLD (standing in for Helen Routledge) provided a non-SL and more game-orientated perspective on emerging technologies.  Of particular interest was the emphasis in this presentation on the assessment of game-based learning and of gaming activities, through reflection and debriefing, and through the logging and interpretation of ingame activities with reference to an identified set of skills.  Unlike commercial off-the-shelf games (COTS) and other resources such as SL, games specifically designed for learning can offer a more effective balance of learning objectives, subject matter content and gameplay, with assessment – often itself highly innovative – integrated from the outset.

The rest of the presentations all referenced SL to a greater or lesser extent.  I hugely enjoyed Aleks Krotoski‘s work on social networking in virtual worlds, in particular her identification of 75 avatars (“they know who they are”) who form “the feted [fetid?] inner core of Second Life”.  Unlike either single-player or MMO games, MUVEs such as SL are inherently socially orientated rather than goal-orientated; ‘success’ doesn’t come necessarily from accumulation of in-game objects or from PvP or PvE pwnage but from occupying key, extremely powerful positions within social networks.  As an infrequent and rather ‘resistive’ SLer, I feel strongly that the lack of scaffolding within SL, in contrast to the carefully balanced quest structure in games such as WoW which directs players through the game world and encourages casual grouping, makes social relationships within SL disproportionately important.

Other presentations explored some of the many purposes to which SL is being put.  Dave Taylor of the National Physical Laboratory discussed some very exciting international collaboration which has been taking place in the Space Island cluster, while Peter Twining demonstrated the Schome island pilot on the teen grid which is trialing SL as a learning space for a group of ‘gifted and talented’ learners.  Jeremy Kemp discussed Sloodle, an integration of SL and Moodle which uses mashups to connect the two systems.  The integration of SL and Moodle also offers the potential for resolving accessibility issues around SL by offering meaningful real time alternatives to inworld communications.

The final three speakers had all integrated SL closely into their teaching practice.  Mike Hobbs of Anglia Rushkin University described scripting tasks undertaken by second year Computing Science students to create learning resources used to explain computing concepts to first year students, while Annabeth Robinson (well known in SL as AngryBeth for her creative and practical objects) described the options her Design for Digital Media students had for woriking in SL and particularly for using it as a tool for machinima.  Mike Reddy provided an entertaining end to the day, looking at various ways in which Second Life can be integrated into a range of courses.


Endemol, creators of some of the most successful television formats of recent years, announced yesterday that they would be launching the first Virtual Big Brother within Second Life.  It’s a fascinating concept, and it’ll be fascinating to see how it’s received by both the Second Life community and those who so far haven’t engaged with it.  Will the intrusive and often prurient appeal of ‘real’ Big Brother with ‘real’ people really transfer to avatars within a virtual world?  Whether it succeeds or fails, it should tell us a lot about how we negotiate our own and others’ identities within real and virtual communities.

And hopefully something to look forward to in January 2007: Boris Johnson, inimitable Shadow Minister for Higher Education, is widely rumoured to have been approached to appear in the next series of Celebrity Big Brother.  I will of course be watching carefully in case he has anything to say on eassessment and elearning in any potential future Tory government.

Now all I need is someone to pay me to play WoW and my life would be complete…

Learning in Second Life?

Having wandered around Second Life for the past couple of weeks in search of anything more appealing than casinos, cybersex and endless pretty, deserted islands, I finally got organised enough last night to take part in my first formal educational event in world, a presentation by Dr John Bransford on ‘virtual environments as ways to reorganize thinking about research and education’.

Perhaps the best way of summing up my feelings about the session is ‘interested frustration’.  

My avatar arrived at the venue a few minutes before the event was due to start, and then spent most of those few minutes trying to work out how to fly to a seat and sit down without wildly over shooting the ampitheatre.  Quite a number of other people were there – apparently eight-eight in total – and they were shouting to each other through the chat screen, discussing various research projects and where they were from.  There are no native voice capabilities in SL, and although there are various workarounds using Teamspeak or Skype, the organisers had decided the event should be text only.  That’s fair enough: a system shouldn’t require external add ons to make it useable.

What would have helped, however, was for the presenter to have had some pre-prepared text from which he could copy and paste rather than attempting to type live.  The combination of the length of time it took for each section of text to appear, and the sheer number of typos – an average of more than two per line – made it difficult at times for me even as a native English speaker to follow.  There were also some problems when the speaker went out of the range of where his text could be ‘heard’, and those of us sitting on the far side of the arena missed a little of the presentation.  This was quickly addressed by the organisers, however.

The presentation included a video (requires Quicktime) of a purported educational use of SL, where a group collaborates to solve a basic maze.  Two main points struck me about this: firstly, that the group were using Teamspeak or a similar tool, and that the task would have been far more difficult if they’d had to rely on SL’s text facility only, particularly as speed was an issue.  Secondly, I find it difficult to see how SL could be used for teaching abstract subjects that don’t have the kind of performative element that a science experiment might.  While there are definite advantages and cost savings available from SL in the longer term for many of the same reasons as simulations, I struggle to see how it could be used to transform the way in which subjects like English Literature or Linguistics are taught.

A very useful Q&A session followed the talk.  Moon Eggplant contrasted the potential for collaborative activity within SL with the guild or clan system found within many MMORPGs.  That’s a very good point: games such as World of Warcraft offer players highly structured quests and challenges with clearly defined goals and which often require excellent collaboration amongst up to forty highly-skilled players at once.  WoW, however, has a huge team of full-time professionals working on developing content, not a luxury open to many HEIs and FEIs.  Buddy Sprocket raised the possiblity of ‘massively multi-author collaborative worlds’ and this was very warmly welcomed.

At first, I was disappointed that the event had been very much like a real world lecture, with us all sitting around ‘listening’ to a presenter and watching a brief video.  But then it occurred to me that it was the fact that this event was being held at a set time and place, and the fact that we all had some kind of visible, tangible presence within the event, that made it much more immediate and meaningful than it would have been to listen to a podcast or read a conference paper.  Having been a distance learning tutor, and now being a distance learning student, the opportunity SL gives for genuine engagement with colleagues shouldn’t be underestimated.  I’ve taught using conference calls, and regularly participate in them, and tend to find them tiring and difficult.  The addition of visual components, whether webcam streaming as in Breeze or visual markers like SL avatars, makes a genuine difference.  As was pointed out during the session, SL does offer an excellent method of ‘combining learning by experience and learning by description’ and discussion.

There are some issues with using SL in education.  The system requirements require a fairly high-end system, even though the graphics themselves aren’t all that impressive.  Additionally, in-game currency is purchased using real world money, and the complex economy developing within the game means that pretty much everything worth having comes at a real world price.  I’ve made the decision on various principles not to buy any money for my avatar, which means that she’s drifting rather aimlessly through the world rather than having any real identity or purpose within it.

Fortunately, the organisers had reversed their original decision to charge L$10 (ten Linden, or in world, dollars, equivalent to about 7c) for the event to avoid griefing; I wouldn’t have been able to participate had they charged for it, and in the event, there was no griefing at all of which I was aware, despite the event being reasonably well-publicised in advance.

Towards the end of the session, it was suggested that SL offers ‘one of the most powerful ways we know that might radically change the nature of education': so far, it remains to be shown how.