Enterprise Sets Course to Eden!

I’ve been looking into holding the next Enterprise SIG meeting at the Eden Project, and they have reasonable rates in their meeting rooms in the Foundation Building. I don’t have a SIG budget now, so have to keep meeting costs as low as possible. Possible meeting dates are: Mon 4th Dec, Wed 6th, Thu 7th, Mon 11th, Tue 12th, Wed 13th or Thus 14th. Please let me know if you have a preference.

Enterprise SIG Settling Into New Home

The Enterprise SIG has now officially moved from the University of Wales Bangor to the University of Bolton (central home of CETIS). In practice, this means that I have moved all my files from my Bangor office to my home office, and spent part of yesterday assembling a new bookshelf from Argos to house them, with help from my boyfriend (I don’t own any screwdrivers, only tiaras, and they are not much use for flat pack assembly). Now on with the serious work: sourcing an animal print computer chair.

Welcome to Vashti’s Work Blog

Hello, I’ve just set up my first ever work blog, on the CETIS blogs site.

If you’ve come here looking for nonsensical rambling about muppets and bellydancing, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a serious work blog, and will be all about my Enterprise Special Interest Group (nothing to do with Star Trek) and the world of e-learning.