The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH ; http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html ) “provides an application-independent interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting.” The protocol is widely used by repository software to make metadata about the resources they store available. In its use the repository acts as a data provider which is then able to be harvested by a data harvester. Two issues of note:
- although most repositories can function as data providers the data harvesting aspect of the protocol often requires separate software and is much less widely implemented.
- OAI-PMH specifies a minimal base metadata set of OAI_DC (~ the simple DC element set) therefore any implementation of it should be able to provide this as a minimum. Other metadata standards such as DC Terms or IEEE LOM can also be made available for harvesting.
Although OAI-PMH is a well established standard which is widely used, at this point it’s use for open educational resources is somewhat limited. OAI-PMH is not currently in use by Jorum for metadata harvesting and, as far as I know, there are not many OAI-PMH based harvesters offering aggregated search services for educational materials (outside of those within particular closed/ or semi-closed communities). DiscoverEd from Creative Commons does offer an OAI-PMH based harvest but prefers RSS/Atom based approaches (Enhanced Search for Educational Resources – A Perspective and a Prototype from CCLearn (2009) http://learn.creativecommons.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/discovered-paper-17-july-2009.pdf , p12). UPDATE: Please see comment from Jenny Gray below.
OAI-PMH is being used or is supported by:
- ChemistryFM (option once content is in backup ePrints repository)
- Phorus
- Unicycle
- Open Exeter
- OpenStaffs
- OERP (use unknown)
- Humbox
OAI-PMH is in active use by (as opposed to out of the box support):
- Phorus (harvesting catalogued resources from Intute.)
- TRUE (using a Drupal plug in?)
- ChemistryFM (option once content is in backup ePrints repository)
“Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources.” (http://www.openarchives.org/ore/)
As a standard for describing aggregated or compound resources ORE has the potential to be highly relevant to some types of education materials made up of distributed web resources; its use, however, with educational materials has thus far been somewhat limited. It has however been used as an exchange mechanism for moving repository contents from one system to another.
Projects using OAI-ORE:
- ChemistryFM (export function from WordPress – will use to backup content to repository)
- ADMOER (export function from ePrints)
- HumBox (export function from ePrints)
OpenLearn didn’t offer OAI-PMH output at first but we got so many requests, that we did eventually code it (not a harvester though).
Most of the projects asking for it were, as you suggest, closed databases or research projects. However, I think OER-Commons harvest through OAI-PMH as well.