Just to give some notice to a widget meetup we’re organising in conjunction with the JISC repositories team in London on 13 October. It will be a one day meetup for people who are interested in creating Widgets, sharing ideas about Widgets, and turning applications into Widget containers.
Scott Wilson (CETIS) will be there to talk about the Apache Wookie (Incubating) widget engine and progress on the W3C’s Widgets specifications, and to help anyone looking at integrating Wookie with other applications. Wilbert Kraan (CETIS) will also be demonstrating integration of Wookie with Google Wave.
The event will be fairly informal with lots of opportunities to share code and experiences; there will also be the opportunity to demo work in progress. If you have any suggestions for a short presentation please let me know.
The event is free to attend, and more information including a link to register is available on the CETIS wiki
Google Wave is supposed to be open for public beta after 30th September so the timing of this workshop will be just right.
I hope will be there for the event
Let’s hope they launch Google Wave as they according to the plans, even though I have a strong feeling there will be a delay
Do you have any plans for a NY meeting in the near future? this sounds really interesting.
HI Sarah
we are UK based don’t think so no plans for a NY meeting at the moment, however we do want to share outputs widely – so watch this space for updates.
Sarah – there will be a Wookie Meetup (along with Shindig and Project SocialSite) at ApacheCon in Oakland at the start of November. I know that is not NY, but it is at least the same country
See http://www.apachecon.com (note the conference is not free but the evening meetups and the barcamp will be free)
If you feel there is significant interest in these technologies in NY I would be willing to consider doing an event there (with local help and conditional on us finding a sponsor). If you are interested in exploring this please join the wookie dev list (wookie-dev-subscribe@incubator.apache.org)