FeedForward: A Personal Information Application

I just submitted a paper that summarises the findings of the FeedForward project; it covers a lot of aspects of the project such as the design, the underlying approach to workflow, and the issues we had in implementation and also with interoperability. Worth a read if you’re interested in developing similar applications, or are thinking about the future of the information environment and the sort of standards we can use for scholarly communications.

Its CC-BY licensed so feel free to take sections and reuse them.

While this paper marks sort-of-the-end of the formal project, much more is happening in the world of FeedForward…

How on earth do I add OpenID to my LDAP schema

Okay – this is bugging me.

The scenario is as follows: I have an OpenLDAP directory with several hundred users in it. For the records I’m using the normal inetorgperson schema.

I want to add an openid attribute for my users (in a responsible and proper way) so that I can associate users with multiple arbitrary external OpenID providers.

All I’ve managed to find on the net about this was a blog at oracle discussing how this is an issue and how it would be a really good idea to do something about it.

I’m all at sea – how on earth am I supposed to do this? Do I create a new subclass of inetorgperson and migrate everyone on to it? Can I do this without breaking everything? Do I hackily use the “labeledURI” attribute and just shove things in there?

Come on lazyweb!