As part of our work for Creative Commons on the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI), my colleague Phil Barker and I have been writing short case studies on a number of LRMI implementation projects that were funded between 2013 – 2014. Ten different OER platforms received small grants from the Gates and Hewlett Foundations to implement the LRMI specification and share their experiences with other developers. I’ll be posting the case studies here over the next couple of weeks and once all case studies have been completed we also plan to produce a high level technical synthesis of the projects’ outputs.
An early overview of some of the implementation projects was presented at the Cetis 2014 Conference at the University of Bolton in June.
LRMI Implementation Projects
Connexions / OpenStax CNX
Connexions, now OpenStax CNX, was launched in 1999 at Rice University to provide authors and learners with an open space where they can share and freely adapt educational materials such as courses, books, and reports. Today, OpenStax CNX is a dynamic non-profit digital ecosystem serving millions of users per month in the delivery of educational content to improve learning outcomes. Tens of thousands of learning objects called pages, are organized into thousands of textbook-style books in a host of disciplines, all easily accessible online and downloadable to almost any device, anywhere, anytime.
Curriki provides peer reviewed open educational resources, curricula and instructional materials to support teachers, professional educators, students, lifelong learners, and parents, primarily in the domain of K-12 education. Curriki is a nonprofit organization and the majority of the resources is provides carry Creative Commons licences.
GooruLearning an open and collaborative online learning community. Gooru enables teachers and students to find standards-aligned, interactive learning materials that have been rated by fellow teachers, share those materials in the form of personalized custom collections, measure students’ engagement, comprehension, and progress, and contribute to an active community of teachers and students by sharing your collections and best practices.
ISKME is an independent, education non-profit company whose mission is to improve the practice of continuous learning, collaboration, and change in the education sector. ISKME supports innovative teaching and learning practices throughout the globe, and is well-known for its pioneering open education initiatives. ISKME also assists policy makers, foundations, and education institutions in designing, assessing, and bringing continuous improvement to education policies, programs, and practice.
Jorum is a Jisc funded Service for UK Further and Higher Education, to collect and share open educational resources, allowing their reuse and repurposing. Jorum’s free online repository service forms a key part of Jisc’s Learning and Teaching digital content offering. It is the first port of call for 1000’s of resources, all shared and created by those who teach or have been inspired in the FE and HE and professional skills community.
MERLOT is a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services contributed and used by an international education community. The MERLOT collection consists of tens of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, and Content Builder web pages, together with associated comments, and personal collections, all intended to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
Open Tapestry
Open Tapestry is a toolkit that enables teachers, instructors, professors, corporate trainers, students and learners to discover, adapt, and share learning resources. The Open Tapestry toolkit allows instructors to develop course materials and organise content into categories, or Tapestries, to enhance learners’ experiences.
Peer2Peer University
Peer 2 Peer University is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. P2PU creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional formal higher education. Leveraging the internet and educational materials openly available online, P2PU enables high-quality low-cost education opportunities.
UntrikiWiki were funded to develop a MediaWiki extension to allow the use of markup in Wikitext. As part of this project, UntrikiWiki advocated the use of open-source extension HTML Tags on wikis.